Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why do you want to be so perfect?

Why do you think there is so much pressure to Be perfect? We all know that is impossible. Impossible!

So why do we all stress out about it?? And why are we sooo hard on ourselves?

You don't know, you say..

We need to give ourselves a break - and stop.

Today on Oprah, Jane Fonda was on. She is 72 and stunning. Her words of wisdom in her wise age..

"The goal is not to be perfect - but to be WHOLE."

Stop changning yourself for anyong. Be who you are. REALLY who you are. People will come and go.

Stay true to yourself.

When you do change this focus, you will feel so connected to youself and to others.

As Jane Fonda  mentioned, " It is being intimate, really intimate when you can be your authentic self and feel connected to people. "

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