Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are you vaccinating your kids?

It’s that time again. To take your child for their routine appointment for their vaccinations.. It turns your gut, weighs on your shoulders and makes your heart heavier than a ton a bricks. It is dreaded by soo many parents!

With the rising statistics.. the controversy over this situation is enough to tear a parent apart.

You agree?

The stress on the parent to make the RIGHT decision is tremendous! There are so many conflicting stories and facts that lead you in many directions - only to end up at the health centre with your child in your lap, fighting back tears, as you try to avoid the screaming, “NOOO!” in your heart.

It feels so wrong to be there, getting your precious child nailed with many needles.. Scared to death if this shot will forever change your child? Harm your child? So why do we avoid this loud scream we are screaming inside? Our mommy-gut tells us what is right when the facts and society misleads us.
The truth is: YOU have the answer. You always did. You always will.
So why is it so hard to listen??

When schools expect documents for your child to be up-to-date and the health care system automatically shuffles you in the direction of vaccines, the unconscious parent with no sleep and trying to keeping up with their kids in today’s hectic life, it is so much easier to just do what we are told and follow the crowd.

Right? Isn’t that easier?

This process has stressed me out of sleep, aged me tremendously due to those two facts and brought me to tears each and every time the appointments crept up.

Yet, I did it.

Everyone does it.

Why wouldn’t you?

It keeps the kids safe.

And healthy.

So they say.

Who are ‘they’??

After years of questions gone unanswered and many gut feelings ignored, I came across an interview with Dr. Dan Yachter on the Happier Kids Now online expo that is currently going on..
Definitely worth the time to educate yourself, for yourself. For your kids.

Dr. Yachter suggested you ask questions and the answer to vaccinate your children will be made on educated reasons rather then going with the crowd.

He suggested you empower yourself and detach from what people say and how they judge.

Mom’s know (Dad’s know). In your gut. Your intuition. Your spirit. However you choose to name it.

Here are the questions. I dare you to find the answers and make your own decisions. Blind trust can hurt your family!

1. Are vaccinated kids healthier than non vaccinated kids? Non-vaccinated kids are usually healthier because they are usually living healthier lives (meaning less or no chemicals and medicines).
2. Do vaccines have long term side effects?
3. Does research show vaccines are safe?
4. Can vaccines cause cancer or fertility problems. No one knows
5. Can vaccines cause SIDS? - Dr. Dan Yachter mentioned Japan made changes to their immunization scheduling because of a study done on SIDS and vaccines - the information is here and VERY interesting!
6. What are the chances of my child being hurt of killed from the vaccine?
7. Do the assumed benefits outweigh the risks?
What are the RISKS!??
8. Is vaccinations why we have so much cancer today?
9. Are there benefits to kids having childhood diseases? Doesn’t that strengthen kids immune systems?
10. Are the ingredients safe? Is there really mercury and alluminum in the vaccines?
11. How do they (ingredients) work on a cellular level?
12. Do vaccines effect genetic material?
13. Who is developing the vaccines? Who is making the policies? Are there political interest? Are there payoffs?
14. Can people really legally avoid vaccinations?

Dr. Dan Yachter wrote a book called “ Doctor of the Future”. In it he has 4 pages of the ingredients in vaccinations. (4 pages!!) So worth looking into.

If you feel comfortable doing it - go ahead. Just make sure you are comfortable making any decision when it comes to your kids. If you aren’t’ comfortable, get the information you need to be comfortable choosing what is right for you and your family.

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